Discover Your Money Personality
The first step to financial well-being for you & your family
Worried about the unintentional money messages you maybe sending your kids?
Understanding your money personality is the first step to financial well-being for you and your kids.
By discovering your money personality you can uncover some of the subconscious money messages you may be sending your kids (both good & bad).
By completing this course you will:
* Discover your dominant money personality
* Understand how your money personality can influence your kids
* Learn a handy top-tips to develop a healthy money mindset, based on your results
* Develop an action plan as part of your personal roadmap to financial well-being
This course is for you if you:
*Want to develop a healthy money mindset in your kids
*Are concerned that you're passing on bad money habits
*Unsure where to start when teaching kids about money
*Want to understand your money personality
Introducing Caroline
About Me
My name is Caroline & I'm the creator & tutor for Money Mindful Kids.
Having spent many years working in the banking industry, not for profit sector and with disenfranchised youth, my eyes were opened to the social, psychological and environmental fall-out associated with a lack of financial capability.
But it wasn't all bad news, I also saw tremendous opportunities for positive change through financial education.
Benefits not only for the individuals themselves but also on a much grander scale.
‘By treating each cent that we spend as a vote for a better world, we change not only our own lives but we also have the power to change the fabric of our society – one person, one purchase at a time’.
So equipped with a bunch of ideas, 15+ year experience in finance, and a passion for environmental & community mindedness MMK was launched. Helping parents provide children with the foundations of financial literacy, along with an appreciation for the true power of money.
By incorporating the concepts of conscious consumerism, environmental awareness, and community mindedness, children learn that true wealth is not just about how much money you can accumulate.
True wealth is about using your money wisely no matter how much you have – to positively influence yourself, your community, your environment, and best of all creating a financial ecological footprint that you can be proud of for generations to come.